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Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers > Volume 37(1); 2025 > Article
J Korean Soc Coast Ocean Eng 2025;37(1): 15-24. doi: https://doi.org/10.9765/KSCOE.2025.37.1.15
준설매립된 점토지반에서 침하속도를 이용한 침하예측
박천표1, 이윤재2, 김태형3, 허성훈4
1다산컨설턴트 부산지사 부사장
2(주)흥구엔지니어링 대표이사
3국립한국해양대학교 토목공학과 교수
4(주)세움텍 기술부 상무
Settlement Prediction Using the Settlement Velocity in Dredged and Reclaimed Clay Ground
Cheonpyo Park1, Yun-Jae Lee2, Tae-Hyung Kim3, Sung-Hun Heo4
1Vice President, Dasan Consultant Busan Branch
2CEO, Heunggu Engineering Co., Ltd.
3Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Korea Maritime and Ocean Univ.
4Managing Director, Technology Department Seumtech Co., Ltd.
Corresponding author: Yun-Jae Lee ,Tel: +82-31-425-0147, Fax: +82-31-425-4809, Email: blastmate@naver.com
Received: December 17, 2024;  Revised: January 21, 2025.  Accepted: February 12, 2025.
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When improving soft ground, the settlement measurement results are used to evaluate the final settlement and consolidation using the existing settlement analysis method to determine whether or not to improve the ground. However, the long-term consolidation settlement exceeds the allowable settlement at the site dredged and filled with clay in the Busan New Port area. This happens frequently. In this study, the results were compared and analyzed using a conventional analysis method and a new analysis method using the settlement velocity using measurement results from a site dredged and filled with clay. As a result of the study, the analysis method using the settlement velocity was better than the conventional method. The accuracy was found to be high, confirming that it is a practical analysis method.
Keywords: soft ground, consolidation, settlement analysis, settlement velocity
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